What is Ministry?
The purpose of ministry is to bring people to saving faith in Christ and then assist them to grow in Christ-likeness; and to bring every believer into a vital, authentic relationship with God through the grace of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, such that every believer glorifies God in thought, word, and deed both in the church and in the world with the ultimate goal of presenting every one complete in Christ (Col. 1:28).
The purpose of ministry is not to “do” church. As Glenn Wagner points out, “The essence of the church must be more than just doing. The church must draw its essence from God and His righteousness and holiness. It must take shape based on his worth as Creator. It must reflect his glory as God, and when it meets and ministers, it ought to express back to God the glory due his name. There must be more to church than simple psychological encouragements, tips for improving interpersonal relationships, and helpful religious seminars.”
Ministry is not about ritual or routine religion but a living relationship with God. It is not about numerical growth but spiritual growth. It is not about programs but about people – people who are wholly focused on God, powerfully filled with the Spirit, and happily united in a community of grace; people who vibrantly exalt Christ, openly perform works of faith, accurately teach the truth, boldly proclaim the gospel in word and deed, and authentically depend upon prayer.
Baptism and Confirmation
When one of God’s children accepts Christ into his or her life or has matured enough to reaffirm their faith, we consider this a cause for great celebration!
At Calvary Vision Church, Baptism ceremonies are celebrated separately from Sunday Worship Services. Baptism ceremonies are on Saturday night, along with a buffet-style dinner, praise and worship, testimonies, and a video presentation. Our Baptisms are inclusive – we invite everyone we know! They are one of the highlights of our church, where all can hear and witness the life-transforming power and redemption of Christ.
Sunday Morning Prayer
Pray for others, pray for guidance, pray for solutions, pray for healing. Come join us early and start the day right Sundays at 10:15 am in Classroom C/D.
Sunday Worship
Our main worship service starts with prayer, praise, and a message on Sundays starting at 11:00 am in the Auditorium. Every first of the month, we partake in holy communion.
Wednesday Night Prayer
Intercede on behalf of your family, friends, and community. Take time from the week to find rest in His sanctuary. Worship together, share joys and concerns, and pray for each other in a comfortable setting.
Every Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the Church Auditorium
Small Groups
Calvary Vision Church is not just a church with small groups, we are a church of small groups. We encourage each member at Calvary Vision Church to be actively involved in one or more groups, and we openly invite any new members to get involved in a group of interest, or grow a new one.
A small group is a gathering of five to ten people with similar life situations, interests, or spiritual gifts who meet regularly to serve, support each other, and grow in knowledge and experience of God. Compared to larger settings, small group members can relate more personally, initiate more meaningful conversation, and keep deeper levels of connection and accountability with each other. Small groups are where the real life-transformation happens.
Community Service
Our individual small groups engage in acts of community service by:
Cooking and serving dinner at local soup kitchens
Christmas caroling for retirement centers
Helping those in need on a personal basis
Community Center
The Calvary Vision Center’s facilities are open to community events such as concerts, conferences, meetings, fundraisers, and more.
Inner-City Missions
Calvary Vision Church serves the North-Philadelphia neighborhood by donating food and clothing, volunteering at Children’s hospitals, cleaning and painting public parks, and mentoring adults and children, while bringing hope to families by exposing them to the teachings of Christ.
Vision Cafe
Our Vision Café was designed to promote interaction, conversation, and inspiration. The cloud overhead is a subtle reminder of when “the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way” (Exodus 13:21). The Vision Café offers a place to study, read, or chat.