Dan Kim – The Great Banquet
Dan Kim - The Great Banquet
Dan Kim - The Great Banquet
David Silk - The Rich Man and Lazarus
Pastor Ben Rosario - The Prodigal Son
Pastor Timothy Haahs - The Parables of the Lost Coin and the Lost Sheep
Pastor Timothy Haahs - The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl
Dan Kim - New Wine and New Wineskin: Renew
David Silk - The Pharisee and the Publican
Pastor Timothy Haahs - The Wise and Foolish Builder
Pastor Ben Rosario- The Good Samaritan Luke 10: 25-37 (NIV) 25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to
David Silk - The Parable of the Sower Luke 8: 4-8 (NASB) "When a large crowd was coming together, and those from